Real Talk: Friends Who Yoga Together Stay Together

Real Talk: Friends Who Yoga Together Stay Together

Yogi BFFs Laura Sykora & Gabriella Dondero Luu interviewed each other over text and we're so here it

When yogis talk about what "yoga" really means (refresher: it translates to "union" in Sanskrit), they're usually referring to a feeling of oneness, but it works in another way too. Yoga literally brings people together, inspiring connections, friendships and even entire communities (hey, Alo fam). Case in point? Besties Laura Sykora and Gabriella Dondero Luu, who met each other at one of Laura's yoga workshops and immediately hit it off. Since we're admittedly obsessed with their friendship, we asked the pair to do a text q&a with each other. Consider us ?.

[caption id="attachment_5325" align="alignnone" width="907"] Moonlit Bra, High Line Lace-Up Legging, Interlace Bra, High-Waist Airbrush Legging[/caption]

Gabriella: Laura! What's up girl?!? So, question! What's your memory of the first time we met? ??

Laura: I think it was at my first ever workshop in 2013. ? You were with your best friend Billy! I thought you looked like a badass. Should I even ask what you thought about me? Lol

G: Hahaha! Yes! That was my first workshop ever! What I thought about you? I remember just being in awe and so inspired by how amazing and down to earth you were! I thought, I want to be just like her when I grow up lmao! Love ya!

L: Who would've thought we would become besties!!! So crazy to think about!

And we've traveled a lot together since... any favorites from our many adventures???

G: I know! Oooo this is a hard one, we always have the most amazing time anywhere we go. I think I'm going to have to pick our first trip to Cali! From San Diego to LA, we met so many people along the way and created memories I'll never forget, oh and some hilarious inside jokes! ?

L: Omg... the chocolate mousse was to die for! ?

And I was going to say that trip too. It was one of the first retreats I ever did and you know how nervous I get teaching! It was nice to have you there with me for moral support! Lol

[caption id="attachment_5324" align="alignnone" width="1651"] Sunny Strappy Bra, High-Waist Dash Legging, Sunny Strappy Bra, High-Waist Moto Legging[/caption]

G: Haha yup! And you rocked it of course! I had so much fun on that retreat! Well, in light of our continuous growing friendship and the great advice you have always given me, I have one more burning question! If you could talk to your younger self, what would you tell them?! ?

L: I would probably tell myself that everything will work out in the end. Just have faith, work hard and never second guess myself once the opportunity presented itself. There was a good 12-year period where I loathed my job and didn't see a way out of it. It was extremely depressing at that time realizing that this could be my ife for another 30+ years.

Is there anything you'd tell your younger self? Anything you'd change?

G: Totally agree! I would tell myself to stay patient, trust the journey, everything will fall into place! I wouldn't change much, everything I've went through has brought me to right where I am today. Plus, if I change anything, I may have never met my besties! ?

Anyways! Let's do dinner ASAP, you make some of my favorite dishes and I'm missing your cooking! ?

L: Yesssss! ???