7 Days, 7 Chakra-Opening Flows—Get Centered with a New Video Class Series

7 Days, 7 Chakra-Opening Flows—Get Centered with a New Video Class Series

Balance the chakras to bring out your best self, on the mat & everywhere else

Want to start fresh this fall? Our new YouTube class series on balancing the seven chakras starts today! It's a week of daily flows with yogis Andrew Sealy and Alissa Kepas, who dedicate each class to a different chakra (learn more about the chakras here!). You'll start off by opening the root chakra and work your way up to the crown, aligning every spiritual energy center in the process. Whether you're a first-timer, advanced yogi or somewhere in between, this series is a must for feeling healthy, happy and generally om-azing. The best part? Each class is 30 minutes, so you can easily fit them into your week.

Get the full series schedule here, then dive into day one below with Andrew's awesome flow for balancing the root chakra, the energy center that governs safety and stability!